Come spring, the garden-lust surges in my blood.
Spring arrives early in Florida, particularly this year, so my fingers have been itching to bury themselves in dirt for several weeks.
Unfortunately, the demands of lesson plans, papers to be graded, and various other teacher-related detritus stood in my way.
But now, spring break is upon us.
So, my darling husband and I paid a visit to Lowe's.
Since we moved into our house in June last summer, this was our first chance to establish a garden of any type.
And we had no clue what we were doing.
We bought our soil, seeds, and spade, then headed to the lumber section for materials to build our raised garden bed (soil in Florida is notoriously poor, and a raised garden bed is the only way to go). After an encounter with a rather rude employee, who was most definitely not helpful (rare at Lowe's), we were finally able to find out what we needed by calling our brother-in-law.
As we pushed our loaded cart to the check-out, it occurred to me that there was a strong possibility that my car was not ten feet long -- and the wood was.
A quick test once we got to the car confirmed my suspicions. Alas, we would not be bringing the wood home in that vehicle.
We were rescued within the half hour by a mother-in-law in shining armor in a silver steed (or a Camry if you prefer).
Thus our unexpected adventure ended happily.
And our newly planted garden lends an air of mystery to our backyard.
What other adventures will it bring?